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7 Risks if You Are Late in Your Trademark Renewal

  • Post author:
  • Post published:October 31, 2023
  • Post category:Trademark


Risks if You Are Late in Your Trademark Renewal

In the competitive business world, a company’s brand identity is often one of its most valuable assets. Logos and trademarks are not mere symbols; they are the face of a business, the first thing customers recognize. Hence, it is well-established that protecting these marks is of paramount importance. Trademarks provide a shield against brand dilution, safeguarding a company’s unique identity. However, this protection is not indefinite; it has a time limit. The period of safety for registered trade symbols typically lasts for ten years. At the end of every tenure, these trademarks must be renewed. Failing to do so can bring about a host of risks and challenges that can jeopardize the very essence of your business.

  1. Risk of Losing the Trademark: A missed renewal deadline can open the door for competitors to register a similar trademark. This is not just a theoretical risk; it’s a tangible danger that can lead to market confusion. Customers may be unsure about which company the trademark represents, potentially causing you to lose your hard-earned market share. The consequences could be dire enough to necessitate a complete rebrand, incurring substantial costs.
  2. Trademark Re-Registration Issues: The timing and jurisdiction of trademark renewal are crucial. If a competitor registers a similar trademark while your renewal is pending, you might permanently lose your original logo. Regulations in various jurisdictions, such as the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), may reject the registration of a mark that is similar to an already registered trademark symbol. Even if your initial registration was smooth, missing the renewal deadline could result in the outright denial of re-registration.
  3. Limited Classes: Companies often register trademarks in specific classes, reflecting the goods or services they provide. If you miss the renewal date and a competitor registers a similar trademark in the same class, your ability to expand your product or service offerings may be hampered. EUIPO regulations, for example, prohibit the registration of a mark that is similar to an existing mark within the same class. This limitation can curtail your business’s growth prospects.
  4. Limited Countries: In today’s globalized marketplace, businesses often operate in multiple countries. Missing renewal deadlines in multiple countries and allowing similar trademarks to be registered can complicate international business operations. It may even necessitate rebranding efforts, consuming time and resources and causing potential confusion among international customers.
  5. Agreements with Competitors: Attempting to negotiate agreements with competitors to share or protect trademarks can be a costly and complex endeavour. While not impossible, such arrangements may be impractical and expensive, leaving your business in a vulnerable position.
  6. Late Trademark Renewal Fees: To add to the woes of late renewal, trademark offices often impose late payment charges during a predefined grace period. Renewing within this grace period is advisable to avoid these extra fees, which can strain your budget and lead to unnecessary expenses.
  7. Additional Agent Fees: If you miss the renewal date and competitors have registered similar trademarks, you may need legal assistance. In addition to late fees and costs associated with drafting agreements, you will have to bear the burden of legal fees. This financial strain can be substantial and impact your company’s bottom line.

The risks associated with late trademark renewal are significant and multifaceted. Protecting your brand identity and the legal rights associated with it should be a top priority. To mitigate these risks, businesses must establish robust processes for tracking and renewing their trademarks. Seeking professional assistance from trademark experts or attorneys is a prudent approach to ensuring compliance with trademark regulations and protecting your brand from the perils of late renewal. Remember, the face of your business deserves the best defence, and that begins with timely trademark renewal.

Documents Required

When it comes to trademark renewal, it’s essential to ensure that all the necessary documents and requirements are in order. Renewing a trademark involves maintaining and protecting your brand identity for an extended period. The following documents are typically required for the trademark renewal process:

Copy of Registration Certificate: This document serves as proof of the original registration of your trademark. It shows that your trademark was legally registered in the past and that you have the right to renew it. The registration certificate contains important details about your trademark, such as the trademark name, registration date, and class of goods or services it covers.

Photo ID and Address Proof of the Applicant: To verify your identity as the trademark owner, you’ll need to provide a copy of your photo identification (e.g., passport, driver’s license, or government-issued ID) and address proof (e.g., utility bill or bank statement). This is to ensure that the person or entity applying for the renewal is the rightful owner of the trademark.

Copy of the Application from the Trademark Registration Form TM-A: This is the initial application you submitted when registering the trademark. It contains all the essential details about your trademark, including the logo or wordmark, the list of goods or services it covers, and any specific claims or disclaimers made during the initial registration. This document is important for reference during the renewal process to confirm the accuracy of the original registration.

A Lawyer to Represent the Application: While not a document in the traditional sense, having a lawyer or trademark attorney to represent your application is highly recommended. They are well-versed in trademark laws and procedures and can ensure that the renewal process is smooth and error-free. They will help you prepare the necessary documents, meet deadlines, and navigate any legal challenges that may arise during the renewal process. Their expertise can be invaluable in protecting your brand and trademark rights.

In addition to these documents, it’s crucial to keep track of the renewal deadline for your trademark. Trademark renewal periods vary by jurisdiction but are typically required every 10 years, as you mentioned in your initial blog. Missing the renewal deadline can lead to the risks mentioned earlier, including the potential loss of trademark rights and legal disputes.

In summary, trademark renewal is a critical step in maintaining your brand’s identity and legal protection. Ensuring you have the right documents and, if possible, professional legal assistance will help you navigate the renewal process smoothly and protect your trademark rights for the years to come.

How Kanakkupillai Can Assist in Trademark Renewal?

Kanakkupillai is your trusted partner when it comes to the swift and efficient renewal of your trademark. Our team of experts is well-prepared to guide you through the trademark renewal process, ensuring the protection of your brand identity for the years ahead.

  1. Expert Guidance: When you reach out to Kanakkupillai for trademark renewal, our knowledgeable team will promptly get in touch with you. We recognize the importance of timely renewal and provide the necessary assistance to streamline the process.
  2. Government Fees: To renew your trademark, you will need to cover the required government fees. For trademark renewal, the government fee is ₹5000, and in the case of trademark restoration, it amounts to ₹8000. Kanakkupillai will facilitate the payment of these fees on your behalf, ensuring that you meet the financial requirements for the renewal.
  3. Document Preparation: Our team of lawyers at Kanakkupillai will initiate the trademark renewal application process by preparing all the necessary documents. This includes gathering and organizing the required paperwork and ensuring that your application is complete and accurate.
  4. Application Submission: Once all the documentation is in order, we will proceed to submit Form 10 or Form 12 with the registrar, as per the specific requirements of your trademark renewal. These forms are essential for submitting your application and initiating the renewal process.
  5. Regular Updates: Kanakkupillai is committed to keeping you well-informed throughout the trademark renewal process. We will provide periodic updates regarding the status of your application, ensuring transparency and clarity at every step.
  6. Confirmation in Approximately 4 to 5 Months: After filing your trademark renewal application, our dedicated team will work diligently to process your request with the registrar. Typically, trademark renewal confirmation is received within approximately 4 to 5 months. This confirmation is a crucial document that validates the successful renewal of your trademark, providing you with continued legal protection.

In summary, Kanakkupillai offers comprehensive assistance and support for trademark renewal, allowing you to safeguard your brand identity and ensure that your business continues to operate with the full protection of your registered trademark. With our team of legal experts, streamlined processes, and a commitment to keeping you updated, we aim to make the trademark renewal process as seamless and stress-free as possible.


In conclusion, safeguarding your brand through timely trademark renewal is an essential responsibility for any business. As the face of your enterprise, trademarks protect your unique identity and market presence. Failure to renew can expose your business to the risks of losing your trademark, re-registration challenges, limited growth potential, and international complications. Additionally, late fees and legal expenses can take a toll on your finances. Partnering with experienced professionals like Kanakkupillai streamlines the renewal process, ensures compliance, and maintains the shield of protection around your brand, allowing your business to thrive with confidence.


Telecom engineer turned content creator with a knack for crafting compelling narratives. Experienced in client management and community engagement, and ventured into freelance content creation, contributing tailored and impactful content across diverse industries. Currently, collaborating with companies like Kanakkupillai, dedicated to delivering inspiring technical content rooted in a solid foundation.