MCA CIN Search - How to Check CIN Number Online?
Company Registration

MCA CIN Search – How to Check CIN Number Online?

4 Mins read

The Corporate identification number (CIN) is a unique alphanumeric code allotted to companies incorporated under the Companies Act of India. The corporate identification number carries the company’s name, which is issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). If you’re an entrepreneur, an investor or anyone who is curious about details of a company then knowing how to check a CIN number online will be very useful for you. In this blog, I’ll take you through the steps in detail so that you’ll be able to get access to this information.

Importance of CIN

Before moving to learn how to check a corporate identification number (CIN) number online it is essential to know what it is. The Corporate identification number (CIN) holds very important data about a company, such as the type of company, the industry it belongs to, the state of registration and the year of incorporation. This distinct tag assists in the differentiation of one corporation from another and makes the business world more accountable. However, the CIN is required for legal and operation purposes, which makes it all the more important for a company.

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is the critical body that undertakes management of company formation and other compliance issues in the nation. The company has an online record bank of all registered companies and firms. This database is found in the MCA portal and is effectively used by the users to obtain other related information, such as the CIN.

Step-by-Step Guide to Checking CIN Number Online

The online process to check a company’s CIN is very easy through the official portal of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Below is a detailed process to help you retrieve this information:

Step 1: Visit the MCA Website

To begin the process the first step is to go to the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in India which is It is established to act as a one-stop-shop that hosts all the company related services and all the information.

Step 2: Navigate to MCA Services Section

After opening the MCA homepage, there is an option called “MCA Services” click the MCA services category will show various subcategories mainly focusing on company and LLP related information. select “View Company/LLP Master Data” to proceed further.

Step 3: Enter the Company Name

Enter the name of the company. Ensure that the full and correct name of the company is registered. For best results, do not use abbreviations or incorrect spelling.  The search tool is sensitive to accuracy, so double-check the spelling before proceeding.

Step 4: Verify the CAPTCHA Code

When accessing the information through the portal, the user has to prove their identity by identifying the CAPTCHA code. write the characters you see on the screen into the given box. This step is necessary in order to block the access of the system by programmed robots.

Step 5: Submit the Request

After entering the company’s name, followed by the CAPTCHA, click on the “Search” button. After that, the system will search through its database and provide you with the list of companies that you have been searching for with the name you have typed in.

Step 6: Identify the Correct Company

Sometimes, when searching, users will get multiple companies, so it is important to read the details to ensure that the correct company is found. The outcomes usually contain details such as the type of the company, state of registration, as well as incorporation date that will allow the identification of the appropriate enterprise.

Step 7: Note down the CIN

Once you locate the correct company, you’ll find its CIN displayed alongside other key details. Note down the CIN for future reference, or save the information electronically for convenience.

In addition to the CIN, there is a wealth of additional information about companies on the MCA portal. This involves details such as the registration state, the director’s details, and the authorized capital, among others. In this way, you will know almost everything about a company’s profile and compliance history, which may be helpful when making a decision.

Understand the Common Challenges

While the process of checking a CIN online is relatively simple, you might encounter certain challenges, such as:

  1. Incorrect Company Name: Make sure, when entering the name of the company, you input the official name of the company of your choice. Sometimes a simple typographical error or name abbreviations can end up generating wrong information.
  2. Technical Issues: The MCA portal often hangs or there is some technical issue with the site. If you run into problems, it is encouraged to visit the website at off-peak periods, or clear your web browser cache.
  3. Multiple Results: In cases where both the company name and common name are similar, the search results involve different entities. Even more detail, such as the state of registration or the year of incorporation, should be used to establish the right company.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What is CIN?

CIN stands for Corporate Identification Number, which is twenty one digits and alphabets code number which has been issued to the organisation registered under the Companies Act of India.

2. On which website can I check the CIN of a particular company?

The CIN of a company can be viewed online by going to the MCA website at; under MCA Services, click on the link titled “View Company/LLP Master Data” and then enter the company’s name, CAPTCHA code and click on Submit. After entering the CIN code on the system, other details concerning the company will also be spewed out.

3. What should I do if I could not search the CIN using the company name?

If the CIN is not searchable using the company name make sure the registered name of the company has been entered without errors or abbreviation. If the problem still remains, use another search spell or refer to the official documents or the website of the given company. You may also seek help from MCA help desk.

4. Is there any fee applicable to check the CIN online?

No, the service to check a company’s CIN on the MCA website is completely free of cost. This service is offered by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to encourage efficiency and the access of company related information by the public.

131 posts

About author
A Lawyer by profession and a writer by passion, my expertise extends to creating insightful content on topics such as company, GST, accounts payable, and invoice. Expertise in litigation, legal writing, legal research.
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