Chit Fund Company in India - Registration, Types, Process
Business Tips

Chit Fund Company in India – Registration, Types, Process

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Chit Fund Company in India – Registration, Types, Process

Entity mIn a chit fund scheme, a group of people contribute periodically towards the chit value for duration equal to the number of investors (members or subscribers). The amount collected is given to the person, who is either selected through a lucky draw (lottery system) or an auction.
Chit funds are legal in a majority of states and UTs in India. Chit fund companies in India are under the Chit Fund Act, 1982. Since chit funds are not financial companies, they are not regulated by the rules or guidelines of the RBI. A chit fund is a type of rotating savings and credit association system practiced in India and other Asian countries.
Chit fund schemes may be organized by financial institutions, or informally among friends, relatives, or neighbours. In some variations of chit funds, the savings are for a specific purpose.
The annualised interest rate works out to 22%. Despite these shortcomings, investors flock to chit funds in large numbers. This is because the option offers tremendous flexibility to the member. He can treat it as a recurring deposit till he needs the money, just like an overdraft facility with a bank. Chit funds are often microfinance organizations.
Entity managing chit funds registered under the companies act 2013 is known as chit company

Types of chit funds

Registered Chit Funds

Registered chit funds are the ones that are registered with the Registrar of Firms Societies and Chits.

Unregistered Chit Funds

Unregistered chit funds are saving schemes that are operated among friends, family or colleagues

Online Digital Chit Funds

With digitalization, chit funds have evolved and are organized online. These types of chit funds have online auctions. The subscribers can make their monthly contributions online and also receive their prize money through online modes

Organized Chit Funds

More common in North India, this type of chit fund requires all the members
to come together on a monthly or weekly basis. The names of all the members are written on small paper slips and collected in a box. The person in charge of the group picks up a paper slip in front of all the group members.

Special Purpose Chit Funds

Special purpose chit funds are organized to save for a particular purpose

Chit Fund Company

An entity managing a chit fund scheme is usually referred to as a chit fund company.
The persons participating in a chit fund scheme is referred to as a member.
A chit fund company will usually have many different chit fund schemes, with each of the chit fund scheme having a set of members and a limited duration.

Chit Fund Registration

Chit fund business in India is regulated under the Chit Fund Act, 1982.
In chit business , a person enters into an agreement with a number of persons that every one of them shall subscribe a certain sum of money  by way of periodical instalments over a definite period and that each such subscriber shall, in his turn, as it determines by lot or by auction or by tender or in such other manner as may be in the chit agreement, and entitles to the prize amount.
A transaction is not a chit if some alone, but not all, of the subscribers, get the prize amount without any liability to pay remaining future subscriptions, or all the subscribers get the chit amount by turns with a liability to pay future subscriptions.
Though chit fund companies are a category of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC), chit funds are exempt from registration with the Reserve Bank of India.
Chit funds are a category of NBFC where the regulators regulate the funds and thus exempt from the requirement of registration with RBI.
Promoters of the chit fund company first start a Private Limited Company with the objective of operating a chit fund business.
After the incorporation of a private limited company, the company can apply with the relevant Chit Fund Registrar of the State to obtain registration.
A chit fund business can commence only after obtaining chit fund business registration from the relevant State Registrar.
The minimum capital requirement for Chit fund company registration is Rs.1 lakh. RBI capital requirements are not applicable to Chit Fund Company in India

Steps for registration

Step 1: Obtaining digital signature for all directors and members
Step 2: Approval of name should be obtained
Step 3 : Preparation of documents such as MOA,AOA and other documents
Step 4 :Filing of forms in spice e form
Step 5 : Registration of chit fund with concerned state chit registrar

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