How to Check GST Registration Status with ARN?

How to Check GST Registration Status with ARN?

8 Mins read

Check GST Registration Status with ARN

When you apply for GST registration, they give you a special number called an Application Reference Number (ARN). After you submit your application, it usually takes about 15 days for them to process it. You can check your application’s status on the GST Portal to see how it’s going. This guide will show you the easy steps to check your GST ARN status without trouble.

What is ARN?

Whenever you make an online purchase or sale, you’re given a special code known as an Acquirer Reference Number (ARN). This code is shared between the bank and the seller, but you don’t typically need it as a buyer unless you’re seeking a refund. So, what exactly is an ARN number, and how does it function?

Here’s the deal: A unique code is generated when your transaction goes from the seller’s bank to the payment processor and then to your bank. That code is the Acquirer Reference Number or ARN. These unique digits serve as a kind of digital footprint for your transaction. They make it easy to trace your purchase in case something goes wrong with your bank, the seller, or even when checking the status of your GST Registration Process in India. Simply put, it’s like a digital trail that helps keep your online transactions in check.

What is ARN Used For?

ARN numbers play a vital role when it comes to tracking refund transactions for online purchases. However, they are just one piece of the puzzle in the world of customer service and online transactions.

Customer service is a cornerstone of any thriving business. It’s all about building trust through direct communication with customers. This trust not only helps businesses grow but also fosters a strong sense of community.

Online transactions can take various forms, including credit card payments, debit card transactions, electronic funds transfers, partial settlements, and money transfers. In this digital realm, there’s always a risk of fraud or transactions going awry. It’s a shared responsibility of both buyers and sellers to ensure that card schemes and fraudulent activities are prevented.

This is where ARN comes into play. ARN, which stands for Acquirer Reference Number, empowers merchants by offering a comprehensive view of the entire transaction process, from initiation to the point where the money is securely deposited in the bank. This visibility helps maintain the integrity of online transactions, giving both buyers and sellers peace of mind.

While ARN numbers are important for tracking refunds, they are just one part of the broader picture of trust, security, and reliability in the world of online commerce.

What is the Format of ARN?

An ARN number is made up of 15 digits and is in a specific format. This unique code, known as the Acquirer Reference Number, might seem a bit puzzling, but let’s break it down:

  1. First off, the ARN begins with two letters – these are alphabets.
  2. The next two digits represent the state code, indicating where the transaction is happening.
  3. The following four digits tell us the month and year when the transaction took place.
  4. Then, there are six more digits, which are generated by a computer. They’re like a unique fingerprint for your transaction.
  5. Lastly, in the last segment, you’ll find a single digit known as the checksum. It’s there to make sure the ARN is accurate.

To make it clearer, let’s look at an ARN number example and discuss the GST ARN status. This will help us get a better grasp of how this code is structured and what it means for your transactions.

Types of GST ARN Status

When you apply for GST registration, your application goes through several stages, each with its own significance. Let’s simplify and demystify the journey of your GST application:

  1. Application Submitted: At the outset, you submit your GST application, and in return, you get something called an ARN (Application Reference Number). This step signals that your application has successfully been filed on the GST portal.
  2. ARN Generated: After your application is submitted, the GST portal generates an ARN. This means the ARN has been created and is ready for tracking your application’s progress.
  3. Pending for Processing: This stage is pretty crucial. It signifies that your application is under review by the GST authorities. It’s quite common for applications to be in this status as they’re carefully evaluated.
  4. Under Scrutiny: Following the initial processing, your application might move to the “Under Scrutiny” status. Here, the authorities are taking a closer look at your application to ensure all the information is accurate.
  5. Approved: When your GST application meets all the requirements and gets a green light from the authorities, it’s “Approved.” This is a great outcome, and upon approval, you’ll be given your GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number).
  6. Rejected: Unfortunately, not all applications are approved. If your application falls short of the necessary criteria, it may be rejected. In such cases, you’ll receive a notice that outlines the reasons for the rejection.
  7. Provisional Registration: Sometimes, businesses are granted provisional registration. This means you can start your operations while your application is still under review. It’s a temporary arrangement to get you going without unnecessary delays.

So, your GST application goes through a journey from submission to potential approval, and it might even receive provisional registration if needed. The key is to ensure that your application meets all the requirements to increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Step-by-Step Process to Check ARN – Before Login

Checking your ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) status for your GST application is pretty straightforward, and you don’t even need to log in to the GST India portal. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Start by visiting the GST Portal. From there, go to the “Services” tab and then select “Registration.” After that, choose “Track Application Status.”

Step 2: In the screenshot, you can see a drop-down menu where you should choose “Registration.”

Step 3: You will have received an ARN or SRN in your email when you signed up for GST. This is a special number unique to your application. Enter the Captcha code provided and click on “Search.” It’s important to note that when you apply for GST registration on the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) portal, you’ll get a Service Request Number (SRN), which is unique for each application.

Step 4: Once you’ve completed the search, you’ll see the status of your GST application. The status is colour-coded to make it easy to understand how your application is progressing. For example, if your current status is “Stage 3,” it will appear in green until you reach that stage, at which point it will turn grey.

Now, based on your GST ARN status, you can take the appropriate action. Whether your application is approved, pending, or in another stage, you can stay updated and make informed decisions regarding your GST registration without the need to log in to the GST portal. It’s a user-friendly way to keep tabs on your application’s progress.

The ARN Will Be One of the Following

The journey of your new GST registration application goes through several stages, each with its own meaning and implications. Let’s simplify and demystify these stages:

  1. Pending for Processing: At this initial stage, your freshly submitted registration application is in a queue, waiting for the Tax Officer to process it. It means they haven’t started reviewing it yet.
  2. Site Verification Officer Assigned: When your application is flagged for a site visit and physical verification, a Site Verification Officer is assigned to carry out this task. This often happens when the authorities want to ensure that the information you’ve provided matches the actual site of your business.
  3. Site Verification Completed: Once the Site Verification Officer has completed the site visit and verified your business details, they submit a report to the Tax Officer. This stage signifies the completion of the physical verification process.
  4. Pending for Clarification: If the Tax Officer has questions or needs more information from you, they’ll send a notification requesting clarification. Your application then enters this stage, where it’s waiting for your response.
  5. Clarification Filed – Pending Order: You’ve successfully filed a clarification in response to the Tax Officer’s request, and now they’re reviewing it. The application is in a holding pattern, awaiting the Tax Officer’s decision.
  6. Clarification Not Filed – Pending Order: If you fail to provide the requested clarification within a specified time frame, your application remains in this status. The Tax Officer’s decision is pending, and it’s crucial to act promptly to avoid delays.
  7. Approved: The golden moment! Your registration application has met all the requirements and has been accepted by the Tax Officer. You’ll receive your Registration ID and password via email. It’s a sign that your GST registration is good to go.
  8. Rejected: Unfortunately, not all applications make it through. If your registration application falls short of the required criteria, a Tax Officer may reject it. You’ll be informed about the rejection, along with the reasons for it.

Understanding these stages is essential to stay informed about the progress of your GST registration. Whether it’s approved, rejected, or pending, knowing where your application stands helps you take the right steps and make the necessary decisions for your business.

Step-by-Step Process to Check GST ARN Status – After Login

Once you’ve logged into the GST portal using your ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) or submission period, you can keep tabs on the status of your application. This tracking feature is available for various types of applications like new registration, core amendments, or cancellations, but it’s important to note that it’s not accessible for those who are registering for GST for the very first time.

Here’s a simple guide on how to check your application status:

Step 1: Start by logging in to the GST portal. Then, go to the “Services” tab, and from the drop-down menu, select “Track Application Status.”

Step 2: In the next screen, you’ll see “Module.” Under this section, choose “Registration” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Now, you can fetch your application status using either the ARN or SRN (Service Request Number), along with the submission date. These unique numbers help identify and track your specific application.

Step 4: To obtain an acknowledgement of your application, simply click on the “Download” link. This lets you access a record of your application and its current status.

By following these steps, you can conveniently keep an eye on the progress of your GST application without the need for complicated processes or extensive paperwork. It’s a user-friendly way to stay updated and ensure that your application is moving in the right direction.


1. What is GST ARN, and why is it important?

GST ARN, or Application Reference Number, is a unique identification number provided to individuals and businesses when they apply for GST (Goods and Services Tax) registration in India. It’s a crucial element in the GST registration process as it helps applicants keep track of their application’s status and progress.

2. When is the GST ARN number generated?

The GST ARN number is generated as soon as an applicant submits their GST registration application through the GST portal. It serves as confirmation that the application has been successfully filed.

3. What is the purpose of the GST ARN number?

The primary purpose of the GST ARN number is to enable applicants to monitor the progress of their GST registration application. It ensures transparency and accountability in the registration process, helping applicants stay informed about their application’s status, whether it’s pending for processing, under scrutiny, approved, or rejected.

4. How long is the GST ARN number?

The GST ARN number typically consists of 15 characters, making it a unique identifier for each application.

5. What is the format of the GST ARN?

The GST ARN number is alphanumeric and usually follows a specific format. It may include a combination of letters and numbers, such as ARN-XXXXXXXXXXXXX, where “X” represents alphanumeric characters.

6. Where can I track the GST ARN number?

You can easily track your GST ARN number on the official GST portal of the government of India. There’s a dedicated section for monitoring GST application status.

7. How do I check the status of my GST application using the GST ARN number?

After submitting your GST application, it typically takes about 15 days for it to be processed. To check your application’s status, you can visit the GST Portal ( This digital platform makes it convenient for anyone to stay updated on their GST registration status.

65 posts

About author
Greetings, I'm Iram, a taxation expert with a profound passion for helping businesses navigate the complex world of tax compliance and financial strategies. With extensive knowledge in tax law and a commitment to providing businesses with the guidance they need, I'm here to be your trusted partner in achieving financial success. I firmly believe that every business owner, regardless of their background, deserves access to expert taxation advice and strategies. My goal is to support you in optimizing your tax planning and compliance efforts, ensuring that your business thrives in the competitive landscape. I am honored to be part of your journey toward financial success through this blog, where I'll share valuable insights and strategies tailored to your taxation needs. Thank you for entrusting me with the opportunity to contribute to your business's financial prosperity. For more information and resources, please visit
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