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PICME Registration and Birth Certificate Process

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  • Post published:November 9, 2023
  • Post category:General


Simplifying Parenthood: PICME Registration 

Parenthood is a transformative journey filled with joy, responsibility, and bureaucratic procedures. One of the essential aspects of this journey is registering your child’s birth and obtaining a birth certificate. In the context of India, particularly Tamil Nadu, the process has been simplified and streamlined by implementing the Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation (PICME) system. This system, introduced by the Government of Tamil Nadu, has revolutionized how parents register births and access essential services for their children.

PICME is an acronym for Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation, an innovative initiative that leverages technology to facilitate the registration of pregnancies, childbirth, and the issuance of birth certificates. It is a critical component of maternal and child healthcare in Tamil Nadu, aimed at ensuring that every child’s birth is documented accurately and promptly.

Our comprehensive guide, “Simplifying Parenthood,” is designed to demystify the PICME registration process and the subsequent birth certificate issuance. This guide is an invaluable resource for new parents and families, providing a step-by-step walkthrough. It covers the importance of PICME registration, the required documents, and the online registration process, making it accessible for all. By simplifying this complex process, we aim to empower parents and caregivers, ensuring they can easily navigate the bureaucratic procedures involved in securing a birth certificate for their child. This documentation not only bestows legal recognition but also opens the doors to various government benefits and services that support a child’s growth and development.

With “Simplifying Parenthood: A Comprehensive Guide to PICME Registration and Birth Certificate Process,” we intend to be a reliable partner in your journey through parenthood. We believe that every child deserves a strong start in life, and a birth certificate is the first step in ensuring their rights and access to essential services. Let this guide be your compass as you embark on the path to officially registering the newest member of your family, simplifying the bureaucracy, and ensuring your child’s bright future.

Why a Birth Certificate Is Essential?

A birth certificate is a legal document that serves multiple purposes, making it indispensable for both the child and the parents. Here are some of the key reasons why obtaining a birth certificate is essential:

  1. Legal Proof of Identity: A birth certificate serves as the primary legal proof of a person’s identity. It includes essential details such as the child’s name, date of birth, place of birth, and parents’ names. This information is crucial for various legal and administrative purposes, including obtaining government-issued identification documents.
  2. Citizenship and Nationality: A birth certificate is often required when applying for citizenship and nationality documents. It provides evidence of a person’s birth within a specific jurisdiction, which can be essential when establishing one’s nationality.
  3. Educational and Healthcare Services: To enrol your child in school or access healthcare services, you will often need to provide a birth certificate as proof of age and identity.
  4. Inheritance and Property Rights: In the future, a birth certificate may be required to establish inheritance and property rights. It serves as a record of the child’s existence and parentage.
  5. Government Benefits: Various government benefits and schemes are linked to birth certificates, including child welfare programs, subsidies, and scholarships. A valid birth certificate is often necessary to access these benefits.

Understanding PICME

PICME, which stands for Pregnancy and Infant Cohort Monitoring and Evaluation, is a vital initiative in India that aims to monitor and evaluate the healthcare of pregnant women and infants. It is implemented to ensure that every pregnant woman receives proper prenatal care and every infant receives the necessary healthcare during the early stages of life. PICME registration is an integral part of this initiative, and it helps streamline the process of collecting essential data on pregnancy and childbirth. This data is used for planning and implementing healthcare programs, ensuring that mothers and infants receive the best possible care.

The Step-by-Step Process of PICME Registration

Now that we have established the importance of obtaining a birth certificate and the role of PICME in this process let’s delve into the step-by-step procedure for PICME registration and obtaining a birth certificate in India.

Step 1: Pre-registration

Before the birth of the child, pre-registration is recommended. In many states, pre-registration can be done through the official PICME website or a dedicated mobile app. It is essential to have all the required documents and information ready before beginning the process. Here is a checklist of the information and documents you will need:

  • Mother’s name and details
  • Father’s name and details
  • Address and contact details
  • Marriage certificate, if applicable
  • Identification documents such as Aadhar card
  • Pregnancy details, including expected due date

Step 2: Visit the Health Facility

Once pre-registration is complete, you will receive a PICME number, which is a unique identification number for tracking your pregnancy. You will need to visit the designated health facility (usually a government hospital or clinic) for further registration and healthcare services.

Step 3: Registration at the Health Facility

During your visit to the health facility, you will need to provide your PICME number, and the healthcare professionals will complete your registration and offer healthcare services. These services include regular check-ups, vaccinations, and monitoring of the pregnancy. It is essential to keep all the provided records and reports safe for future reference.

Step 4: Post-Delivery Registration

After the birth of the child, it is crucial to ensure that you register the birth at the health facility promptly. You will need to provide the PICME number and relevant information about the child, such as the date and time of birth, the child’s name, and other necessary details.

Step 5: Birth Certificate Application

Once the child’s birth is registered at the health facility, you can proceed to apply for the birth certificate. The birth certificate application process may vary from state to state. However, in general, you will need to:

  • Fill out the birth certificate application form, which is usually available at the health facility or online.
  • Provide supporting documents such as the child’s birth registration record, parents’ identification documents, and address proof.
  • Pay the prescribed fee for the birth certificate application.

Step 6: Verification

The concerned authorities then verify the submitted application and documents. The verification process ensures that all the information provided is accurate and matches the birth registration records.

Step 7: Issuance of the Birth Certificate

Once the verification is complete, the birth certificate is issued. This document contains essential information about the child, including the name, date of birth, place of birth, and the names of the parents. It is signed by the registering authority and is considered a legal document.

Step 8: Collect the Birth Certificate

You can collect the birth certificate from the concerned government office or the designated registration authority. It is important to keep the birth certificate safe and in good condition, as it will be required for various official purposes in the future.

Key Points to Remember

Here are some essential points to remember when going through the PICME registration and birth certificate application process:

  • Start Early: It is advisable to start the registration process as early as possible, preferably during the pregnancy, to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.
  • Documentation: Ensure that you have all the required documents and information ready before initiating the process. This will help expedite the registration and application process.
  • Follow-Up: Stay in touch with the health facility and the authorities to track the progress of your birth certificate application and address any issues promptly.
  • Correct Information: Make sure all the information provided is accurate, as discrepancies may cause delays or complications.

Importance of PICME Registration and Birth Certificate

The PICME registration and birth certificate issuance hold significant importance in the context of the Indian economy for several reasons:

  • Identification and Documentation: Birth certificates issued through PICME serve as a primary form of identification. In an economy as vast and diverse as India, proper identification is crucial for various financial and government transactions. This helps in reducing identity fraud, which can have economic implications.
  • Access to Government Services: Birth certificates are often a prerequisite for accessing government services, such as education, healthcare, and social welfare programs. By ensuring that every child has a birth certificate, the government can effectively target and deliver these services, leading to a more equitable distribution of resources and human capital development.
  • Education: Birth certificates are essential for enrolling children in schools. This, in turn, has a direct impact on the economy by promoting literacy and skills development. A well-educated workforce contributes to higher productivity and economic growth.
  • Healthcare: PICME registration enables healthcare providers to monitor maternal and child health more effectively. Access to healthcare services for mothers and children is vital for a healthy and productive population, ultimately contributing to a more robust workforce.
  • Social Security and Benefits: In India, various social security schemes and government benefits are linked to birth certificates. This ensures that eligible individuals receive the financial assistance they need, reducing poverty and economic inequalities.
  • Employment and Labor Rights: As individuals grow up and enter the workforce, having a birth certificate can be crucial for employment documentation. It helps in securing jobs and ensuring that labor rights are protected.
  • Economic Planning and Development: Accurate birth data and documentation assist policymakers in economic planning and development. It aids in understanding demographic trends, fertility rates, and population growth, which are essential for formulating effective economic policies.
  • Property and Inheritance: Birth certificates play a role in property transactions and inheritance, as they establish legal parentage and inheritance rights. This has implications for wealth distribution and property management within families, which can affect economic stability.
  • Demographic Dividend: India’s demographic dividend, with a large working-age population, is a significant asset for economic growth. Proper documentation through PICME ensures that this potential workforce is well-educated, healthy, and eligible for government schemes, contributing to economic development.


Obtaining a birth certificate for your child through the PICME registration process is a critical step in ensuring their legal identity and access to various benefits and services. The PICME initiative in India plays a vital role in monitoring and improving maternal and infant healthcare. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article and staying organized with the required documentation, you can simplify the administrative aspect of parenthood and provide your child with a solid foundation for a healthy and prosperous future. Remember, the birth certificate is not just a piece of paper; it’s a key to unlocking a world of opportunities for your child.

How and why Kanakkupillai?

Kanakkupillai can assist in understanding PICME registration by providing guidance and support throughout the process. We can help with filling out the necessary forms, ensuring compliance with the required documents, and offering expert advice on any potential issues during the registration. Our expertise can streamline the registration process and make it easier to navigate, ensuring a smoother experience for those seeking to register with PICME.


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