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Trademark Availability Search: Can Your Trademark Be Registered?


Trademark Availability Search

A trademark availability or clearance search is a preliminary search to determine whether a particular trademark is available for use and registration. This search aims to identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks that may prevent the registration or use of the proposed trademark.

The search typically involves reviewing databases of existing trademarks registered with relevant trademark offices, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for international trademark searches. The search may include non-registered trademarks, trade names, and common law trademarks.

The search aims to identify trademarks that are similar or identical to the proposed trademark in terms of their name, logo, or other distinctive elements. If such trademarks are found, further analysis is conducted to determine whether they will cause confusion or create a likelihood of consumer deception.

Ultimately, a trademark availability search aims to minimize the risk of infringing on existing trademarks and increase the chances of successfully registering and protecting the proposed trademark. It is recommended that a trademark availability search is conducted before filing a trademark application to avoid costly legal disputes and potential infringement claims in the future.

Importance of trademark availability search

A trademark availability search is important for several reasons:

  • Identifying potential conflicts: The search aids in locating trademarks already in use that are the same as or very similar to the intended trademark. It is essential to have this knowledge to prevent future trademark infringement difficulties or legal battles with other trademark owners.
  • Saving time and money: By spotting possible problems before spending time and money creating and releasing a brand or product with a conflicting trademark, doing a trademark availability search may save time and money.
  • Enhancing trademark protection: A trademark availability search can improve the likelihood of registering and safeguarding property. brand owners can minimize problems that can prohibit registration or lessen the protection of the brand by recognizing possible disputes early on.
  • Mitigating legal risks: Failing to conduct a trademark availability search may result in potential infringement claims and costly legal disputes. Conducting a trademark availability search minimizes the risk of infringing on existing trademarks and helps avoid legal disputes

What is a Trademark Availability Search?

A trademark availability search, also known as a trademark clearance search, is a search conducted to determine the availability of a proposed trademark for use and registration. The search is designed to identify any existing trademarks that are similar or identical to the proposed trademark and may cause confusion or create a likelihood of consumer deception. Conducting a trademark availability search is a crucial step in the trademark registration process. It helps minimize the risk of infringing on existing trademarks and increases the chances of successfully registering and protecting the proposed trademark.

Types of trademark availability search

The type of trademark availability search required depends on various factors, such as the proposed trademark’s distinctiveness, the industry, and the potential market. A preliminary search may be sufficient for trademarks with low distinctiveness or in industries with limited trademarks. However, a comprehensive search is recommended for trademarks with high distinctiveness or in industries with a high volume of trademarks.

There are two main types of trademark availability searches:

  1. Preliminary Search: A preliminary search is a basic search conducted to identify identical or similar trademarks already registered or pending registration with the relevant trademark office. This search aims to identify any potential conflicts that may arise before proceeding with a full trademark search or filing a trademark application.
  2. Comprehensive Search: A comprehensive search is a more extensive search that covers a broader range of sources, including registered trademarks, pending trademark applications, common law trademarks, domain names, business directories, and social media platforms. This search is designed to identify potential conflicts that may not be discovered in a preliminary search. A comprehensive search provides a more in-depth analysis of the trademark landscape and helps determine the risk of confusion or infringement.

Benefits of conducting a trademark availability search

Conducting a trademark availability search is a critical step in the trademark registration process. It provides numerous benefits, including avoiding legal disputes, saving time and money, enhancing trademark protection, and mitigating risk.

Conducting a trademark availability search provides several benefits, including:

  1. Avoiding potential legal disputes: A trademark availability search helps identify existing trademarks that are similar or identical to the proposed trademark, which may lead to potential infringement claims and costly legal disputes. By conducting a trademark search, the risk of conflict can be minimized, and legal disputes can be avoided.
  2. Saving time and money: Conducting a trademark availability search can save time and money by identifying potential issues early in the trademark registration process. This helps avoid investing resources in a brand or product with a conflicting trademark that may not be registered or protected.
  3. Enhancing trademark protection: Conducting a trademark availability search can help enhance trademark protection by identifying any potential conflicts and strengthening the proposed trademark’s distinctiveness. By identifying potential issues and resolving them before registration, the chances of successfully registering and protecting the proposed trademark are increased.
  4. Mitigating risk: Conducting a trademark availability search mitigates the risk of infringement claims by identifying existing trademarks that may cause confusion or create a likelihood of consumer deception. This helps avoid costly legal disputes, brand dilution, and damage to a company’s reputation.

Why Conduct a Trademark Availability Search?

Conducting a trademark availability search has several advantages, including minimizing the risk of infringement, saving time and money, enhancing the chances of successful trademark registration in India, strengthening trademark protection, and promoting brand recognition.

Conducting a trademark availability search has several advantages, including:

  1. Minimizes the risk of trademark infringement: Conducting a trademark availability search helps identify existing trademarks that are similar or identical to the proposed trademark. This information is critical to avoid infringement issues or legal disputes with other trademark owners.
  2. Promotes brand recognition: Conducting a trademark availability search helps trademark owners avoid using a mark that is too similar to an existing mark, which can lead to consumer confusion. By promoting brand recognition, trademark owners can build a strong reputation and protect their brand’s integrity.
  3. Saves time and money: Conducting a trademark availability search can save time and money by identifying potential issues before investing resources in developing and launching a brand or product with a conflicting trademark.
  4. Enhances the chances of successful trademark registration: Conducting a trademark availability search helps increase the chances of successfully registering and protecting a trademark. By identifying potential conflicts early on, trademark owners can avoid issues that may prevent registration or weaken the trademark’s protection.
  5. Strengthens trademark protection: By conducting a trademark availability search, trademark owners can identify potential conflicts and take steps to strengthen the proposed trademark’s distinctiveness. This helps enhance the trademark’s protection and reduces the risk of infringement claims.

trademark registration online india

Consequences of not Conducting a trademark availability search

Not conducting a trademark availability search before using or registering a trademark can result in infringement claims, rejection of trademark application, loss of trademark rights, damage to brand reputation, and other legal and financial consequences. Conducting a trademark availability search is essential to minimize the risk of conflicts and enhance the chances of successful trademark registration and protection.

And non-conducting a trademark availability search before using or registering a trademark can have serious consequences, including:

  • Damage to brand reputation: Suppose a company uses a mark that is similar or identical to an existing trademark. In that case, it can damage its brand reputation by creating confusion among consumers and diluting the distinctiveness of the brand.
  • Infringement claims: If a trademark owner uses a mark that is similar or identical to an existing trademark, they may face infringement claims from the existing trademark owner. This can result in costly legal disputes, fines, and the need to rebrand the product or service.
  • Rejection of trademark application: If a trademark application is filed without conducting a trademark availability search, the application may be rejected if there is an existing conflicting trademark. This can result in the loss of filing fees and delay obtaining a trademark registration.
  • Loss of trademark rights: Using a mark that infringes on an existing trademark can result in the loss of trademark rights, which can be detrimental to a company’s brand and reputation. Additionally, trademark owners can lose trademark rights by not actively enforcing their trademarks, leading to the mark becoming generic or diluted.

How to Conduct a Trademark Availability Search?

Conducting a trademark availability search involves defining the scope of the search, conducting a preliminary and comprehensive search, analyzing the search results, making an informed decision, and seeking legal advice if necessary. By following these steps, trademark owners can minimize the risk of infringement issues and enhance the chances of successful trademark registration and protection.

The following are the typical steps involved in conducting a trademark availability search:

Step 1: Define the scope of the search

Before conducting a trademark availability search, it is important to determine the scope of the search, including the geographical area, class of goods or services, and the trademark databases to be searched. This will help to narrow the search and identify potential conflicts more effectively.

Step 2: Conduct a preliminary search 

A preliminary search involves conducting a basic trademark search of the trademark databases to identify any identical or similar trademarks that may pose a conflict. This search can be done using the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) trademark database or other online trademark search tools.

Step 3: Conduct a comprehensive search 

A comprehensive search involves a more detailed trademark search of various databases, including the USPTO trademark database, state trademark databases, domain name databases, and other online search engines. This search helps identify potentially conflicting trademarks not identified in the preliminary search.

Step 4: Analyze the search results

After completing the search, it is important to analyze the results to identify potential conflicts or infringement issues. This analysis should involve a review of the search results to determine the likelihood of confusion between the proposed trademark and existing trademarks.

Step 5: Make an informed decision

Based on the analysis of the search results, it is essential to make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the proposed trademark. If the search results reveal a potential conflict, it may be necessary to modify or abandon the proposed trademark to avoid infringement issues.

Step 6: Seek legal advice 

If the search results reveal a potential conflict, seeking legal advice from a trademark attorney is recommended. A trademark attorney can help to evaluate the search results, provide guidance on potential infringement issues, and assist with developing a strategy for trademark protection.

Trademark Search methods

Several methods can be used to conduct a trademark availability search, including online trademark databases, state trademark databases, domain name databases, market research, trademark monitoring services, and professional trademark search firms. The appropriate search method(s) will depend on the specific needs and circumstances of the trademark owner. Such search methods generally include the following:

  • Online trademark databases: The USPTO provides an online trademark database that can be used to search for existing trademarks. Other online trademark search databases are available, such as the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), the Global Brand Database, and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) trademark database.
  • State trademark databases: Some states have their own trademark databases that can be searched for existing state-level trademarks. These databases can be found on the website of the respective state trademark office.
  • Domain name databases: Domain name databases can be used to search for existing domain names that may be similar or identical to the proposed trademark. Examples of domain name databases include WHOIS, DomainTools, and Namecheap.
  • Market research: Conducting market research can help identify potential conflicts or infringement issues. This can involve searching online marketplaces, social media platforms, and industry publications for existing trademarks.
  • Trademark monitoring services: Trademark monitoring services can be used to monitor trademark registrations and applications for similar or identical trademarks. These services can provide alerts when potential conflicts arise, allowing trademark owners to take timely action.
  • Professional trademark search firms: Professional trademark search firms can be engaged to conduct a comprehensive trademark availability search. These firms typically have access to multiple databases and can provide a more thorough search than what can be done through online databases.

Factors to consider during a trademark availability search

Several factors should be considered when conducting a trademark availability search to ensure a thorough and effective search. Some of the key factors to consider include:

  • Goods and services:  The goods and services associated with the proposed trademark should be considered when conducting a trademark search. Trademarks are registered in specific classes of goods and services, so it is important to ensure that the proposed trademark is not similar to existing trademarks in the same or related classes.
  • The similarity of the marks: The similarity of the proposed trademark to existing trademarks is a critical factor to consider. This includes not only identical marks but also phonetically or visually similar marks, as well as marks with a similar meaning or connotation.
  • Geographic scope: The geographic scope of the trademark search should be considered, as trademarks are registered country by country. If the proposed trademark will be used in multiple countries, it is important to conduct a search in each of those countries.
  • Market research: Market research can provide insight into potential conflicts or infringement issues. This may involve searching for existing trademarks online, on social media platforms, or in industry publications.
  • Trademark databases: The trademark databases that will be searched should be considered. This may include online databases, state trademark databases, domain name databases, or other sources of trademark information.
  • Legal advice: It is important to consult with a trademark attorney to ensure that the search is conducted properly and that any potential infringement issues are properly evaluated.

Can Your Trademark Be Registered?

The process of registering a trademark can vary by country, but here is a general overview of the process:

Step 1: Conduct a trademark search

Before filing a trademark application, it’s important to conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that no one else has already registered the same or a similar trademark. This can help avoid potential legal issues down the line.

Step 2: File a trademark application

Once you’ve conducted a search and determined that your desired trademark is available, you can file a trademark application with the relevant intellectual property office in your country. The application will typically include information about the trademark, such as the name or logo, and information about the goods or services associated with the trademark.

Step 3: Examination 

After you file your trademark application, it will be examined by the intellectual property office to determine if it meets the requirements for registration. The examination can include reviewing whether the trademark is distinctive enough to be registered and whether it conflicts with any existing trademarks.

Step 4: Publication

If your trademark application is approved, it will be published in a public database, allowing others to oppose the registration if they believe it conflicts with their own trademarks.

Step 5: Opposition

Suppose someone believes that your trademark conflicts with their own trademark; they can file an opposition to your registration. This can lead to a legal dispute, and you may need to defend your trademark registration in court.

Step 6: Registration

If there is no opposition or the opposition is unsuccessful, your trademark will be registered, and you will receive a registration certificate. From there, you must maintain your trademark registration by renewing it periodically and using it in commerce.

trademark registration services

Criteria for trademark registration

It is important to note that these criteria may vary slightly depending on each case’s jurisdiction and specific facts and circumstances. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified intellectual property attorney for guidance on trademark registration online in India.

The following are the criteria for trademark registration in India:

  • Distinctiveness: The trademark should be unique and distinct from existing trademarks. It should not be similar to an existing trademark or generic in nature.
  • Non-descriptiveness: The trademark should not describe the goods or services it represents. For example, a trademark like “Delicious” cannot be registered for food items as it is a descriptive term.
  • Non-Deceptiveness: The trademark should not be deceptive or misleading. For example, a trademark like “Pure Gold” cannot be registered for products that do not contain gold.
  • Non-Offensiveness: The trademark should not be offensive or contrary to public morality or order.
  • Non-geographical: The trademark should not be a name of a country, region, or city or a word commonly used in that place.
  • Non-likely to confuse: The trademark should not be confusingly similar to an existing trademark.
  • Use in commerce: The trademark should be in use or proposed to be used in connection with goods or services in commerce.

Common reasons for trademark application rejection

To increase the chances of a successful trademark application, it is important to conduct a thorough trademark search and ensure that the trademark meets the criteria for registration in the relevant jurisdiction.

There are several reasons why the intellectual property office may reject a trademark application. Some common reasons for trademark application rejection include the following:

  1. Lack of distinctiveness or originality.
  2. Similarity to an existing trademark.
  3. Descriptiveness or generic nature of the trademark.
  4. Offensiveness or contrary to public morality or order.
  5. The trademark is a geographical name.
  6. The trademark is likely to confuse with an existing trademark.
  7. Failure to comply with formalities or provide necessary information in the application.


In conclusion, online trademark search databases are essential for conducting a comprehensive search for trademarks. They offer a convenient and efficient way to search for registered trademarks and pending applications. By using these tools, individuals and businesses can reduce the risk of infringing on existing trademarks, resulting in costly legal disputes. However, it is important to note that online trademark search databases are not a substitute for a professional trademark search conducted by an experienced trademark attorney. A professional search can provide more in-depth analysis and uncover potential conflicts that may not be easily identified through an online search. Therefore, it is recommended to use online trademark search databases in combination with a professional trademark search to ensure the best possible protection for your trademark.

Kanakkupillai is a professional services firm that offers trademark registration services in India

We can help individuals and businesses conduct a comprehensive trademark search using the online trademark search database to identify potential conflicts and ensure that their trademark meets the criteria for registration. 

Kanakkupillai can also assist with the trademark application process, from filing to registration.

If you want to register a trademark in India and ensure that it meets the necessary criteria for registration, contact Kanakkupillai for professional trademark search services. 

Our experienced team can help you conduct a comprehensive search using the online trademark search database and guide you through the trademark registration process. 

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