Licenses & Government Registrations

Udyog Aadhaar Registration Process, Documents

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     Udyog Aadhaar Registration

Process, Documents & Benefits

Now, it is simple and easy to update your details in Aadhaar card UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has made it easier and simpler for all people to get updated or corrected their Aadhaar card both online and offline. Below are steps to be followed to update or to correct the Aadhaar card address, date of birth, name, email id and mobile number on the Aadhaar card.
How to Update Your Aadhaar Card Details – UIDAI
Highlights on Aadhaar and other Laws Amendment Bill
The Udyog Aadhar Registration is a fully online process which costs totally free. It gives the Great Boost to SMEs In our Country India. below we explained Detailed process, Complete documents required, Eligibility & Advantages.
In this Article, We Cover following topics

  • Introduction
  • UAM (Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum)
  • The Eligibility of Udyog Aadhar Registration
  • Benefits of Udyog Aadhaar Registration
  • Required documents for Udyog Aadhaar New Registration


Udyog Aadhar Registration – Introduction

The SME sector is the foundation of India’s economic development and growth that comprises over 95% of the industrial establishments with over 42.5 million units in the country. In point of fact, the SME sector is responsible for 45% of the total manufacturing output of our country. To alleviate the efforts of this sector, the Government of India and the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises India launched the Udyog Aadhaar.
If you have a doubt What is Udyog Aadhaar?  The answer is: It is just an identification system, same like Aadhaar, but exclusively for businesses, its main aim is to promote the growth of all businesses registered under this scheme. If an individual registered under MSME/SME, that particular person can enjoy all the Udyog Aadhaar benefits through subsidies. 
Someone may have the Question, Is Udyam Registration and Udyog Aadhar Registration are Same?
The Answer is: Yes, The Update Udyam Registration says, The Udyam Registration and Udyog Aadhar Registration both are Same from the date 1’st July 2020.  Udyog Aadhar Registration is Converted to Udyam Registration On July by Ministry of MSME.
Here in this article, you can find all you need to know about Udyog Aadhaar Eligibility, its registration process and its benefits.

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The Eligibility of Udyog Aadhar Registration

Businesses that come under the category on the basis of their investment in plant and machinery are eligible to register under Udyog Aadhar card for business.

Enterprise Classification Investment Threshold Turnover Threshold
Micro-Enterprise Up to Rs.1 crore Up to Rs.5 crore
Small Enterprise Within Rs.1 crore and Rs.10 crore Within Rs.5 crore and Rs.50 crore
Medium Enterprise Within Rs.10 crore and Rs.20 crore  Within Rs.50 crore and Rs.100 crore

Benefits of Udyog Aadhaar Registration

Ministry of MSME launched Udyog Aadhaar with the main purpose to protect and assist small and medium industries in their growth and development. After receiving Udyog Aadhaar, you can enjoy legion of benefits. Below are some of the benefits of registering your business under Udyog Aadhaar:

  • Can get loans for your business without guarantee and at subsidized rates
  • Can get financial support for participating having business dealings in foreign expos
  • Can access to special government subsidies for your business
  • Can apply for various loans such as micro-business loans and other related schemes
  • Can access to government commissariat for your businesses

Required documents for Udyog Aadhaar New Registration

Below are the documents required during the registering process of Aadhaar Udyog:

  • Personal Aadhaar number
  • Name of Applicant
  • Category of Owner
  • Name of Entity
  • Type of business or organization
  • Bank details of the Entity
  • The key activity of the entity
  • National Industrial Classification code
  • Number of workers employed in the entity
  • Information of District Industry Centre (DIC)
  • Date of commencement of the business

Stepwise Process of Udyog Aadhar Free Registration

Firstly, to register your business, you should own your Aadhaar information at that point in time. If you do not apply for Aadhar or you do not own your Aadhaar, then it is important to apply for Aadhar in an Aadhaar enrolment Centre. Once obtaining the Aadhar number, follow the below-mentioned steps to obtain Aadhar Udyog for your business.
Step 1: Visit the official website of Udyog Aadhar site and
Log in
Step 2: Fill in your Aadhaar number and name in the respective tabs which are named as ‘Aadhaar Number’ and ‘Name of Entrepreneur’.
Step 3: Click the submit button and then press on the ‘Validate and Generate OTP’ tab. You will be receiving the OTP on your registered mobile number. Once after the verification process, the page will be redirected to a page in which a form will be displayed.
Step 4: Enter all the needed details in the appropriate fields such as “Name of organization’ and ‘Type of Organization’. Be careful and cautious while entering the important details like ‘National Industry Classification Code’ and ‘Major Activity’.
Step 5: After filling all the needed details, it is very important to recheck the filled information to avoid any errors. Now click on the “submit” button.
Step 6: Once submitting the application, your registered mobile number will receive another OTP. Enter the OTP accurately and press on the ‘Submit’ tab to complete the registration process.
Importantly note that there are no fees or no need to pay any payment to register under Udyog Aadhaar and don’t forget to print your Udyog Aadhaar certificate after your successful registration process. By the above-mentioned stepwise process, you will understand that the process of Udyog Aadhaar registration is simple and easy to follow.
How do I cancel Udyog Aadhar registration?
Is Udyog Aadhar the replacement of MSME?

UAM (Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum)

As per MSME Registration Scheme, Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum or shortly as UAM is a single-page registration form, in which you can self-certify your organization’s existence, bank details of the entity, promoter/owner’s Aadhaar information and other required information. There is no need for payment or any fee amount to file the Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum. Once after submitting the form successfully, the Acknowledgement of Udyog Aadhaar will be generated and mailed to your registered email address which is provided in the UAM, and it is the unique Udyog Aadhaar Number (UAN).
Enterprises or business or entity which have already registered under Small Scale Industry registration before the launch of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006  or filed Entrepreneurship Memorandum-I or Entrepreneurship Memorandum-II or both the Memorandum, will not be required to file Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum. Enterprises can file the same Aadhaar Number to file multiple UAMs as there is no limitation. 
The Udyog Aadhaar memorandum is a self-declaration form, therefore there isn’t any need to submit any required documents to file UAM. However, state and central authorities can request for required documents as proof of the details which are entered in the application form and so, it is best to keep all required documents on hand.
All these benefits of Udyog Aadhaar Registration are vital to any type of business as this government scheme will help you access capital and enjoy several types of aids exclusively allocated to the business. Furthermore, you can enjoy the benefits of Udyog Aadhaar with a remunerative and timely business loan which helps you to improve and develop your business to greater levels. 

  1. Udyog Aadhar Registration can done without mobile number Linking but for Udyam Registration is required the Adhar card which is linked to any mobile number.
  2. Udyog Aadhar can be registered different/multiple times with different company names but Udyam Registration can only registered to one Aadhar card Applicant. The Udyog Aadhar Registration is a fully online process which costs totally free. It gives the Great Boost to SMEs In our Country India.
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Kanakkupillai is your reliable partner for every step of your business journey in India. We offer reasonable and expert assistance to ensure legal compliance, covering business registration, tax compliance, accounting and bookkeeping, and intellectual property protection. Let us help you navigate the complex legal and regulatory requirements so you can focus on growing your business. Contact us today to learn more.
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