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Top Documents Required for Aadhaar Card by Kanakkupillai

Ultimate Guide to the Top Documents Required for Aadhaar Card.


Last Updated on April 25, 2023 by Kanakkupillai

In many countries around the world, each citizen is assigned a number that contains all the details about their personality underneath. This system has a remarkable character framework. The Indian government has also looked for a system like this in India and has given it the name Aadhaar, which is also referred to as UID. At that time, they intended to use this number to provide the locals with benefits via the Aadhaar card.

Due to privacy and security issues, the Aadhaar system has generated debate. Some experts have said that it could result in surveillance and identity theft. Despite these concerns, the Indian government has continued to promote Aadhaar for a variety of services and initiatives. It must be submitted as one of the most significant documents for a variety of reasons. Furthermore, it serves as identification, making possession of one necessary for Indian citizens.

These benefits might include things like the many appropriations that the administration provides, such as the endowment for gas. Anyone who refuses to provide an Aadhaar card or does not carry one may be subject to restrictions on a broad range of activities.

However, we are now aware that the Aadhaar is a nationally recognized card that we require in a wide range of circumstances. Yet, it’s likely that we do not fully understand Aadhaar, its importance, how to apply for one with the necessary resident eligibility, and many other things. Let’s examine each of those factors in this context. To learn everything there is to know about the Aadhaar Card in India, from its uses and benefits to how to obtain one, kindly continue to read attentively.

Let’s begin!

Benefits of Having an Aadhaar Card

Many social welfare initiatives are supported by the Indian government, with a particular emphasis on helping the most economically disadvantaged communities. The Aadhaar platform offers the government a singular opportunity to streamline their welfare distribution system, ensuring transparency and organized governance. By using biometric identity, the Aadhaar platform ensures that the benefits of these social welfare programmes reach the intended recipients in a direct manner, hence removing any chance of fraud or duplication. This has led to more effective service delivery and improved service targeting, which has raised the level of living for millions of Indians. Below are a few instances of use cases when having an Aadhaar number is advantageous:

Access to Government Schemes

The government exchequer is expected to save a significant amount of money because of Aadhaar authentication, which enables the removal of duplicates under several schemes. The scheme also enables direct benefit programmes, gives the government precise data on its recipients, and enables coordination and improvement of several programmes between the government and other service providers. All of these activities will result in the more effective and knowledgeable usage of rare expansion funding. Furthermore, this will aid in limiting unnecessary expenditures and ensuring that services are provided to the intended recipients. For example, providing Public Distribution System (PDS) recipients with free food and kerosene.

Opening Bank Accounts

When you qualify for a government welfare programme and need financial advances, it is advantageous to have a bank account that is linked to your Aadhaar number so that the funds can be quickly sent to your linked bank account. More likely, having a bank account linked to Aadhaar offers easy access to credit facilities and other financial services for persons in rural areas who may not have previously had access to such services.

Mobile Number Verification

Aadhaar cards can replace KYC documentation like identity and address proofs when applying for new landlines or mobile phone connections. This has greatly sped up and simplified the process of setting up a new phone connection. Further, it has assisted in lowering instances of fraud involving fictitious addresses and identity documents.

PAN Card Application

Aadhaar and PAN are both necessary for KYC when opening bank accounts and filing tax returns; therefore, linking them has many advantages. Once linked, ITR filing will be simpler since there won’t be a requirement to submit a receipt or digital signature. It has significantly decreased the requirement for additional documents. The Indian government has set a deadline for linking Aadhaar and PAN cards this year.

Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners

With Aadhaar-based Jeevan Praman, obtaining a life certificate for pensioners is simpler. Simply register online using your Aadhaar number to obtain a digital life certificate. The idea was to do away with the requirement that a retiree receives a pension in person in order for their plan to continue. As a result, you will now be able to continue receiving your pension without having to bother yourself by physically going to the bank and producing a Life Certificate. Yet, Aadhaar Micro ATMs offer doorstep cash withdrawal services to the elderly, who are helped in this way.

Aadhaar-Based Mutual Fund Investments

Mutual funds have been added to the bucket of documents and financial instruments that must be connected with the Aadhaar by the Indian government. The action aims to reduce unreported cash investments in mutual funds. Even if mutual fund investments are justified and legitimate, everyone must go through the process. You can link your mutual funds with Aadhaar using a variety of techniques, but it is a one-time process that has been made simple. There is a perception that investing in mutual funds will become more challenging as requirements increase.

Digi Locker Services

The Digi Locker system, a new digital tool developed by the Indian government, allows for the storage of all official documents on a government-owned server. You may easily register for Digi Locker and connect it to your 12-digit Aadhaar card number.

Additionally, users can use their Aadhaar card for official tasks rather than for several documents. Additionally, having an Aadhaar card entitles the cardholder to all government benefits for which they qualify. The process of getting a passport can now be expedited by using an Aadhaar Card. People can apply for passports online by just attaching their Aadhaar Card as their residence and identification verification rather than uploading various documents. The LPG subsidy can be accessed by people who link their Aadhaar number to their LPG ID directly through their separate bank accounts.

Eligibility to Apply for Aadhaar Card

Age Criteria

In India, an Aadhaar card is accepted as identification and evidence of address. It works well to apply for crucial documents like a passport and to take advantage of government services. Anyone residing in the nation, including children, is entitled to obtain an Aadhaar card, regardless of age or gender.

Similar to how it is for adults, children can enrol in the Aadhaar card system. Parents who want to sign up their kids for an Aadhaar card must visit the nearest Aadhaar enrolment centre and complete the child’s Aadhaar card application form.

The following steps are included in the application procedure if the applicant is a minor and under the age of 5:

  • The parent’s biometric information will be taken upon registration in order to verify the child’s enrolment.
  • At the enrolment centre, the application form must be submitted with the parent’s identification documents and Aadhaar.
  • When the child reaches the age of 15, he or she must return to the centre to have his or her biometric data updated.

Residency Criteria

According to the Aadhaar Act of 2016, every Indian has the right to get an Aadhaar number by providing proof of identification and demographic information. According to this law, in order to qualify for an Aadhaar card, you must have spent more than 182 days in the nation during the course of the previous 12 months.

As an example, if you submitted an application for this card today, you must review the previous 12 months and keep in mind whether you have been in India for at least 182 days as of the day you applied.

Additionally, it indicates that NRIs who meet this requirement are eligible to apply for an Aadhaar Card.

How to Apply for an Aadhaar Card

The most crucial point to remember before enrolling for an Aadhaar card is to have all the supporting documents that you will require accessible when you go to the enrolment centre or through online. For all Indian citizens, non-resident Indians, holders of OCI cards, LTV cards, nationals of Nepal and Bhutan, as well as other permanent foreign residents who have spent at least 182 days in India over the course of the previous year, including minors and senior citizens, the application process for an Aadhaar card is the same.

Online Application Process

Step 1: Visit the UIDAI portal

Step 2: Make a reservation at the nearby Aadhaar Enrolment Centre. As an alternative, you can just walk in without an appointment to the one that is closest to you.

Step 3: Be certain that you have identification, proof of residence, and birth certificate documentation on you.

Step 4: When you arrive at the Centre, ask the appropriate official for an enrolment form, and fill it out with the necessary information. As an alternative, you can download this form from the website of the UIDAI and complete it.

Step 5: The form must be completed and submitted with all required supporting documentation.

Step 6: The form and the supporting documents will be verified. Your Aadhaar Card will arrive at the provided address within 90 days of the successful verification.

As verification of your enrolment, a representative will provide you with an acknowledgement slip after you have finished the aforementioned processes. Keep it secure because you’ll need it later to check on the progress of your application.

Offline Application Process

Step 1: Find the Aadhaar enrolment centre that is most convenient for you.

Step 2: Complete the enrolment form and submit it with the required documentation. You must have proof of your identification, residence, and date of birth on you at all time.

Step 3: The Aadhaar agent will then take your photo after you have given them your biometric information, including your thumbprints and iris scan.

Step 4: You will receive an acknowledgement letter after completing step 3. This will have a 14-digit enrolment number, which you have to keep securely for future use, at the very least until you have your Aadhaar Card.

Step 5: It will be verified after submitting all of the necessary information. Within 90 days of the process being finished, you will receive your Aadhaar card at the address you provided.

Documents Required and Aadhaar Card Applications

Aadhaar requires four different forms of documentation: proof of address, proof of identity, proof of relationship, and proof of birthdate. The following records are adequate to fulfil the requirements:

Type of Proof Documents Required
Address Proof Passport, Voter ID, Bank Account, Ration card, State or federal government-issued service photo ID card, not more than three months old electricity, telephone, mobile, or water bill.
Identify Proof Marksheet, Voter ID, Passport, Driving License, Pan card, Ration ID, Bank account, State or federal government-issued service photo ID card.
DOB Proof Birth Certificate, Marksheet, Passport, State or federal government-issued service photo ID card
Relationship Proof DOB certificate, Voter ID, Marriage Certificate, Passport, PDS card, and Pension Card.


How to Check the Status of an Aadhaar Card

After the Aadhaar enrolment procedure is complete, it will take some time for the UIDAI to assign you an Aadhaar number and deliver your physical Aadhaar card to your address. You can check your Aadhaar status in the interim to see if your application has been validated, denied, or is still being processed. Once you have registered and received your Aadhaar Acknowledgement Slip, you can check the status of your Aadhaar card both online and offline. To check your Aadhaar card’s status, you only need to enter your enrolment number.

Online Method

The steps for using the UIDAI website to check the status of an Aadhaar card are shown below.

Step 1: Go to the UIDAI site

Step 2: Click ‘My Aadhaar’ from the main bar.

Step 3: Under “Get Aadhaar,” click “Check Aadhaar Status” from the options list.

Step 4: By choosing it, you’ll be directed to a fresh page where you can enter the Enrolment ID or Service Request Number (SRN) and the captcha.

Step 5: Verify the “Captcha” and click ‘Submit’.

When the stages are followed and completed, the Aadhaar generation’s step-by-step status will be shown in the following order: Draft Stage > Payment Stage > Verification Stage > Validation Stage > Finished.

Offline Method

If you have no access to the internet, you may contact the UIDAI toll-free line at 1947 to find out the status of your modifications. After contacting, when requested, enter your Enrolment ID (EID) and the time and date of your enrolment. You will now have access to information about Your Aadhaar update status.

You may also send an SMS to 51969 with the format UID STATUS-space-14-digit enrolment number or UID STATUS-space-28-digit EID to verify the status of your Aadhaar.

You can check your Aadhaar status by post as one of the options. The contact information where you can send inquiries regarding your Aadhaar status is provided below:

Bangalore, India, PO Box 1947 GPO 560001

How to Download Aadhaar Card

After enrolling for an Aadhaar card at one of the Aadhaar Centres, Banks, or Post Offices, a person can download and print their UIDAI Aadhaar card using the enrolment ID, virtual ID, or Aadhaar number that the UIDAI has supplied. After receiving a number, the person can download an Aadhaar card by online or offline listed below.

Online Method

These steps will allow you to submit your Aadhaar number or your enrolment number on the UIDAI website to download an e-Aadhaar.

Step 1: Visit the UIDAI website

Step 2: Choose “My Aadhaar” > “Download Aadhaar” from the “Get Aadhaar” section of the menu. By selecting it, you’ll be directed to a new page where you may click “Download Aadhaar.”

Step 3: Click ‘Download Aadhaar’, where the necessary information has to be filled out.

Step 4: Proceed, choosing “Get One Time Password (OTP)” as your next step.

Step 5: An OTP will be sent to those with the registered phone number, and they must enter it in the appropriate field.

Step 6: Then click ‘Download’

Step 7: Finally, you will need to input your birth year (in YYYY format) and the first four letters of your name in uppercase as the password to view the e-Aadhaar PDF file.

Offline Method

Step 1: Go to the UIDAI portal, choose “My Aadhaar,” and then under “Aadhaar services,” choose “Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-kyc.”

Step 2: Enter your “Aadhaar Number” or “VID” and the “Security Code” as indicated on the screen, and then select “Send OTP.”

Step 3: For the provided Aadhaar Number, enter the OTP obtained on the registered mobile device.

Step 4: Create an Aadhaar XML password. The Share Code you enter will serve as the ZIP file’s password.

Step 5: Aadhaar XML is safely compressed and password-protected in a ZIP file. Save the ZIP file you downloaded in a secure location on your computer. When applying a digital signature, the identity will be verified using this Aadhaar XML.

How to Update Aadhaar Card Details

According to recent advances, you can update your Aadhaar card online with changes to your name (minor changes), date of birth, address, and gender. As a result, people can use the normal online update service through the UIDAI website or go to the closest Aadhaar centre if they need to amend their demographic information.

Moreover, you can update/change your mobile number in your Aadhaar card online using the website of the Indian Postal Service or by visiting the nearest Aadhaar centre. UIDAI and India Post just began offering this service together. When updating most demographic data, one should bring the necessary documentation. No documents are needed to upgrade the biometrics, mobile number, and email ID.

Required Documents for Updating Aadhaar Details

To Update or change in name

Individuals who want to change their names in the Aadhaar have to submit any supporting documentation bearing the revised name and photo of him/her. The following supporting documents are acceptable for the name correction or updating: Passport, Ration Card, State or federal government-issued service photo ID card, Voter ID, Driving Licence, Legal document approving a name change, Marriage Certificate, A disability identification card or a handicapped medical certificate, Bank passbook, etc.

To Update or change in address

The supporting documents that list the resident’s correct address must be attached if the individual wants to update or correct the address in their Aadhaar. For the correction/updating of the address, the following supporting documents are acceptable: Account statement, Passport, Ration card, State or federal government-issued service photo ID card, not more than three months old electricity, telephone, mobile, or water bill, insurance policy, pensioner card, registration certificate of the vehicle, Voter ID, Driving licence, etc.

To Update or change in DOB

People who want to update or modify the date of birth in their Aadhaar must enclose any supporting documentation containing their accurate birth date. The following supporting documents are appropriate for the DOB change or update: PAN card, passport, birth certificate, School leaving certificate/school transfer certificate having a name and DOB, mark sheet, Photo ID with date of birth issued by an accredited educational institution, etc.

To Update or change a relationship with the head of your family

You can provide any of the details below to have your proof of relationship verified. Please be aware that the document(s) you provide may be required to include information about your relationship with the head of your family. The following supporting documents are acceptable like: PDS card, marriage certificate, pension card, birth certificate, passport, medical cards provided by the state government, ECHS, CGHS, and ESIC, MNREGA Job card, etc.

These are the documentation that can be used to update or modify Aadhaar card information. The cardholder must ensure that the proofs they attach to the correction form validate the changes they have made.

Steps to Update Aadhaar Card Online

The steps listed below should be followed in order to alter, update, or amend your Aadhaar card’s information online:

Step 1: Visit Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal.

Step 2: Log in to the platform with your Aadhaar number and the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.

Step 3: Choose “Name/Gender/Date of Birth & Address Update” from the menu.

Step 4: Choose the form of online Aadhaar update you want to make, such as a Head of Family (HOF)-based address update or a correction to your name, date of birth, gender, or address data.

Step 5: Select the demographic field you want to change, then input the necessary demographic information.

Step 6: To update name, address, and date of birth, attach scanned copies of the relevant original supporting documents.

(There is no update fee from March 14 to June 14, 2023.)

Step 7: You will receive the Service Request Number that can be used to trace the update request or for any upcoming communications with the UIDAI helpdesk.

Step 8: You will receive an SMS notice with the Enrolment ID once your request has been approved by UIDAI’s internal quality checkers, who will verify your demographic information with the supporting documentation.

You will get an Update Request Number (URN) on your registered mobile phone after submitting the request. This URN can be used to check the progress of your update request.

In order to check the status, visit UIDAI portal and select Check Enrolment & Update Status to verify the status. Type in your URN and captcha.


Prior to becoming a legislative entity, UIDAI was established in 2009 and was a member of the planning commission. This organisation is now in charge of issuing, managing, and authenticating all UIDs through Aadhaar. Every Indian resident will receive a unique identification number from UIDAI, which they can use to prove their identity and address for various services. UIDAI gathers data on all citizens and saves it in a centralized system while respecting all cardholders’ privacy to simplify the identification process. With the help of the Aadhaar system, duplicate and fraudulent identities have been significantly reduced, and the government can now give subsidies and benefits directly to the intended recipients.

Kanakkupillai should be your one-stop platform for gaining extensive knowledge about “UIDAI Updates and Aadhaar Download.” With a user-friendly interface and up-to-date information, Kanakkupillai makes it easy for users to stay informed about any changes or updates related to UIDAI and Aadhaar Download. It is the perfect platform for anyone accessing reliable information on these topics. Users can also download their Aadhaar card directly from the platform without any hassle.

Frequently Asked Questions about Aadhaar Card

What is Aadhaar Virtual ID?

By using the Aadhaar Virtual ID (VID), you can avoid giving out your Aadhaar number to both government and private organizations in order to validate transactions and e-KYC services. You can utilize this for the time being to update your Aadhaar’s web address, in accordance with UIDAI.

Is Aadhaar Card Mandatory for Bank Account?

A challenge involving Aadhaar’s constitutional viability is brought before the Supreme Court. The decision was later rendered in 2018, making it clear that Aadhaar is not required in order to open a bank account, obtain a new SIM card, etc. Aadhaar is now explicitly stated on the UIDAI website as the recommended KYC document. However, you are not required to submit it and are free to do so with any other document listed on the RBI’s list of officially valid documents.

Can Aadhaar Card be used as Aadhaar Proof?

According to the Aadhaar act, the Aadhaar card or e-Aadhaar is approved and accepted as a legitimate proof of identity and residence. In contrast, section 4(3) of the Aadhaar act of 2016 states that an Aadhaar number subject to authentication and other requirements as may be defined by regulations, may be recognized as proof of identification of the Aadhaar number holder for any reason.

How to Link Aadhaar Card to Bank Account?

To link your Aadhaar Card to your bank account online, use the bank’s mobile app or internet banking. Yet, the user needs to be registered with the bank in order to access the service. There are various ways to connect an Aadhaar card to a bank account. The options through online may change depending on the settings of the various financial applications, thus we just specified one method.

Steps for Using a Bank Branch to Link an Aadhaar Card to a Bank Account

Step 1: After reaching your bank branch, you must complete a “Aadhaar linking” application form.

Step 2: Provide your Aadhaar number and bank account details precisely where requested.

Step 3: You are required to bring a copy of your real Aadhaar card that has been self-attested for submission.

Step 4: Within 24 hours of form submission and verification, you can expect updates by SMS on the phone number you provided.

What to do if Aadhaar Card is Lost or Stolen?

Aadhaar’s implementation agency, UIDAI, has various safety measures in place for cardholders in the event of loss or misplacement. Aadhaar cards can be easily retrieved and downloaded from the UIDAI website. Any of the following three methods can be used to retrieve, download, or print a new Aadhaar Card.

  • by browsing the UIDAI official website.
  • with the use of a help centre or toll-free number.
  • by contacting the Aadhaar enrolling organization.


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