NGO & Trust

Objectives and Advantages of Cooperative Society

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NGO & Trust

Objectives and Advantages of Cooperative Society

4 Mins read

A cooperative society is a voluntary association of individuals who are consolidated with the motive of the development of the economy. A cooperative society is otherwise called cooperation. A cooperative society is a willful relationship where a group of people combine to serve the people and foster the monetary status of the general public. A cooperative society is otherwise called cooperation.

They are inclined to shield their monetary advantages against likely double-dealing by mediators focused on procuring more benefits. The cooperative society should be enrolled under the Cooperative Societies Act 1912. To frame a Cooperative Society, they ought to essentially have the permission of ten grown-up individuals, and the remainder of the cycle should be possible without any problem. The capital of such a society can be raised from its individuals through the issue of offers. The general public gains a particular lawful character after its registration is finished.

Importance of Cooperative Society

Cooperative institutions aim to protect people from the debt that they have taken. There are a lot of cooperative institutions in the country with different sets of members. These cooperative institutions arrange loans through which the members receive funds at reasonable interest rates. They also protect people from exploitation by the middlemen. For example, cooperative milk laboratories collect milk from the villages and sell it in the cities at the right price.

The Housing cooperative societies help their members earning lower income to get housing facilities at affordable rates. Various Consumer Cooperative Societies assist rural households in acquiring products at relatively lower prices. These societies procure products directly from manufacturers and sell them to their members at prices lower than the market rate. This eliminates the need for intermediaries. Anyone interested in purchasing products at these rates can become a member of Consumer Cooperative Societies.

Objectives of Cooperative Society

  1. Sourcing and manufacturing high-quality goods and resources: Cooperative Societies’ orders significantly target obtaining and creating excellent Goods, tools, machinery, and raw materials. This goal is to guarantee that individuals approach remarkable products and resources, which will assist with improving their organizations and, in general, prosperity.
  1. Collaboration with Government and Related Organisations: One of the critical objectives of a Cooperative Society is to lay out associations and joint efforts with government offices and other organizations engaged with comparable business exercises. These unions can help the general public’s part’s entrance assets, information, and support.
  1. Undertaking Activities for Member Welfare and Community Development: The essential objective of a Cooperative Society is to advance the prosperity and flourishing of its individuals and the encompassing local area. This includes offering fundamental types of assistance, educational and medical services drives, and socio-economic issues prevalent in the area.
  1. Promoting Unity and Eliminating Internal Competition: Cooperative societies in India aim to advance solidarity and fortitude among their individuals. They accomplish this by effectively attempting to dispense with the inner contest and empowering coordinated effort among individuals. This agreeable soul is essential to the general achievement and maintainability of the general public.
  1. Practising Transparent and Ethical Business Dealings: Cooperative Society is committed to leading business with straightforwardness, genuineness, and decency, keeping up with the trust of its individuals and partners, and guaranteeing long-haul achievement and validity.

Advantages of Cooperative Society

  • Any person can become a member of the cooperative society; such members should aim to provide services, not return. The member can join and leave at any time.
  • The source of capital for the society will be contributed by the members, as well as various grants and subsidies that are received from the government.
  • These societies are considered separate legal entities where the liability of the members is limited, and this applies to those societies registered under the Cooperative Societies Act.
  • The profits from such businesses will be distributed to the members based on their participation in the business.
  • It is easy to form a Cooperative Society.
  • Stable existence
  • A Cooperative Society is controlled in a democratic manner. Each contributor will have identical rights.

Features of a Cooperative Society

  • Voluntary and Open Membership – Cooperatives are available to each individual in the rural society. They can join or leave the association according to their decision. To leave the cooperative society, they need to pull out a notice before leaving. It doesn’t victimize anybody given religion, caste, gender, creed or language.
  • Registration – Cooperatives must follow an enrollment process to become a legitimate entity according to regulation. They can go into contracts or gain property solely after the registration of a society.
  • Limited Liability – The obligation of individuals is restricted to the degree of capital they contribute. It additionally safeguards their monetary advantages.
  • Government Supervision – The state government consistently monitor cooperative societies and their activities. They do this to guarantee that the monetary interests of their individuals are safeguarded. The association needs to keep up with legitimate records consistently. Free inspectors check their records routinely to guarantee that no monetary negligence is occurring.
  • Democratic Principles – Any Agreeable Society needs to guarantee voting rights for its individuals. The individuals choose an overseeing panel with significant choices connected with running the association.

Types of Cooperative Societies

A council is framed by the association of individuals for the manufacturing of goods. This is proper, where no more capital or specialized knowledge is required. The benefit of it will not reach the entrepreneurs. Even though it is a democratic arrangement of industrial production, it has been unsuccessful in India. The types are:

  • Producer Cooperative
  • Consumer Cooperative Society
  • Housing Cooperative Society
  • Advertising Cooperative Society
  • Lander Cooperative Society
  • Cooperative Agriculture
  • Credit Unions


We hope our article regarding the objectives and advantages of a cooperative society was informative and valuable, as it is provided in a simple way that can be understood. Also, we provide the information that meets your expectations, and experts provide all this information for your guidance to enhance the reputation. Contact executives for further requirements.

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About author
G Durghasree B.A.B.L (Hons) is a registered trademark attorney with extensive experience as an Advocate for a period of 8 years. She possesses expertise in trademark law, including trademark filing and trademark hearings. Additionally, she is skilled in contract drafting and reviewing, providing legal advice and opinions, particularly in the areas of Company Law, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), and Goods and Service Tax Law (GST). Her experience encompasses both litigation and non-litigation aspects of these laws.
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