Overview of Trademark Rectification
A very useful technique for modifying and fixing trademark errors is trademark rectification. A trademark gives a company a unique identity and a competitive advantage, which makes it valuable. It follows that keeping accurate and current records is essential.
Upon registration, a trademark applicant may choose to make changes or find errors by collaborating with the Registrar to start the rectification process. The process of registering and keeping a trademark may be challenging. It can be challenging to register and keep up a trademark. Even with extensive research, mistakes can still happen. It is essential to keep and maintain trademark accuracy up to date.
Trademark rectification is the formal procedure for correcting mistakes or disagreements in registered trademarks. This process guarantees that trademarks precisely reflect the goods or services they're meant to guard, upholding the integrity of intellectual property rights. Changes in ownership or business structure, typographical errors, or clerical errors may all necessitate trademark rectification. It protects trademarks against misunderstanding or exploitation in the marketplace by maintaining their validity and clarity.
Chapter 7 of the Trademark Act of 1999 outlines the rectification provisions. According to Section 57 of the Act, anyone who is associated with a trademark registration or has been adversely affected by one may seek Rectification. It is important to keep in mind that not all situations can be resolved, and in some cases, fixing an error may result in trademark registration being cancelled. Therefore, when managing this process, caution should be used.
Advantages of Trademark Rectification
Rectification of the Trademark is sometimes the best option for making small changes to your already registered Trademark despite its limitations. The right to correct a registered trademark offers the following advantages to the owner of the Trademark:
- Any small error that remains in the mark or logo can be fixed.
- There's no need to submit a fresh application for trademark registration.
- There is no need to create a new entry; the current Trademark listed on the trademark register can be corrected.
- Correcting an existing trademark instead of registering a new one saves money because the correction costs less than a new application.
Who Is Eligible to Request Trademark Correction?
- Individual Aggrieved: A Trademark Rectification request can be made by any person who feels wronged by something, such as the mark's similarity or its registration for illegal purposes.
- Trademark Holder: The proprietor of a trademark possesses the entitlement to confront any inaccuracies or omissions concerning their own Trademark and to solicit remedies.
- Third Party: Any individual or group unrelated to the trademark holder or the person of their unfair treatment may also initiate the Trademark Rectification procedure.
Where is the Rectification Application to be Fulfilled by the Applicant?
Applications for trademark rectification can be filed with the Trademark Registry, Appellate Board, or Tribunal; each has the authority to order Rectification and jurisdiction over the matter. Jurisdiction is important for both trademark registration and trademark rectification.
The trademark office where the initial registration application was filed is typically where Trademark Rectification applications are filed. The following list includes the five primary offices for the Trademark Jurisdiction:
- Mumbai
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- Ahmedabad
- Delhi
Trademark Rectification Forms
The forms that were used to file for trademark recognition are listed below:
- The trademark holder must submit the TM-16 Form along with the required payment for any corrections or cancellations.
- When the Registrar initiates Rectification or cancellation and pays the required fees, the trademark holder fills out the TM-M Form.
- When the aggrieved individual initiates Rectification or cancellation, they must fill out Form TM-26 and pay the prescribed fees.
Grounds For Recognizing Trademarks
The reasons listed below can be used to have any trademark corrected in accordance with trademark laws:
- You can file a Trademark Rectification application to correct a specific entry error, such as a disclaimer, conditions, or confinement.
- In the event that the owner of the Trademark fails to pay the renewal price, a rectification application may also be submitted.
- It can be rightfully corrected if the registration was obtained by fraudulent use of a prior registered mark.
- If a trademark registration was acquired through deception, fraud, or false statements, it may be removed from the trademark record. An application for trademark recognition may be submitted in this case.
- If a mark is misrepresented, creates misunderstanding among consumers, or harms the trademark proprietor in any other way, it can be corrected.
- The Trademark Act of 1999's sections 9 and 11 specify requirements that the Trademark must fulfil.
- Included or excluded from the registered Trademark are specific new items or services that are against social or commercial norms.
- Rectification may result from any recent changes or additions made to the registered Trademark.
- Rectification is possible in cases where the prior Trademark is not renewed.
- If a registered trademark is not utilized for five years or more, corrective steps may be taken.
- If the Applicant's information has been changed or misrepresented, it can be corrected, including the address.
- Any further justifications specified by the Registrar are appropriately acknowledged.
Steps To Avoid Mark Rectification
- To avoid having the registered Trademark corrected or removed from the Registrar, take the following safety measures.
- To keep the registered Trademark protected legally, renew it within the allotted time.
- Maintain the unique qualities of the Trademark and prevent it from confusingly resembling other marks.
- Never use your Trademark for more than five years without using it.
- File a lawsuit or put an end to trademark infringement by others.
- When choosing a trademark, stay away from using descriptive or generic terms or any kind of deceptive elements.
Documents Needed for Trademark Rectification
The whole list of necessary documents is provided below:
- Proof of availability of the Trademark on an online platform;
- Power of Attorney (PoA);
- Authority Letter;
- Affidavit for the use of such Trademark;
- Authority Examination Report;
- Trademark Hearing Notice received by the Applicant;
- Documentary proof demonstrating the use of the Trademark in business.
Procedure for Trademark Rectification in India
The following steps are always involved in the Trademark Rectification process, regardless of whether the Registrar or the owner initiates it:
1. Application Draft
First, the Applicant carefully drafts the rectification application, making sure all essential information is included. This step requires precision because any mistakes could lead to the rejection of the application.
2. Form Submission
Once the application has been written, the necessary form must be submitted to the Trademark Registrar along with the required fees. To begin the process of Rectification, you must complete this step.
3. Document Submission
Following the submission of the form, the Applicant must provide the necessary supporting documentation for correction, ensuring that all formatting is correct and providing Proof of identity, Proof of address, or PAN information, if necessary.
4. Verification of Documents
The concerned authorities verify the documents after they are submitted. The procedure continues if the verification is likely to succeed and meets the requirements of the authorities. On the other hand, the application might be approved if the verification is successful.
5. Final Order
Following the verification process, an order is issued by the Registrar or the Appellate Court after both parties have been heard and the evidence has been reviewed. Depending on what is considered appropriate, this order may involve additions, modifications, substitutions, or corrections in the trademark register.
Procedure for Rectification Started by an Aggrieved Individual
The procedure to be followed when any person who feels wronged seeks Rectification is as follows:
Step 1: Using form TM-26, the aggrieved party must file for Rectification and include the necessary fees. The form must also include the reasons for Rectification.
Step 2: In response to the Rectification filed by the party who was wronged, the trademark holder will receive a notice from the Registrar regarding the same.
Step 3: Affidavits containing all pertinent evidence must be filed by both parties.
Step 4: The Registrar or the Appellant Board verifies the documents submitted by both parties and holds a hearing as scheduled. Afterwards, at its discretion, the choice might be made to add, remove, or revoke the Trademark.
Trademark Rectification Fees
The government fee for a trademark is Rs. 3,000 for physical filings and Rs. 2,700 for online filings. Depending on the lawyers, professional fees can change. You can consult with one of our qualified attorneys if you're seeking for trademark-related services.
Effects of Trademark Rectification
A registered trademark may be removed through trademark rectification, but this decision is made after a careful process that takes all pertinent information into account. A trademark may be removed from the Trademark Register if it is not used in commerce for five years or if it is not truly utilized for three years or longer. A registered trademark needs to stay in the market and continue to have its reputation. In order to prevent trademark cancellation or temporary removal, kindly comply.
Why Choose Kanakkupillai?
Kanakkupillai is a leading legal consulting company in India that offers comprehensive services related to Trademark Registration. Protect your brand and register your Trademark with ease. Secure your business identity with Kanakkupillai's trademark services. Let us handle your trademark registration while you focus on your business. We have the most trusted professionals for hassle-free trademark registration. Register your Trademark virtually, anytime, anywhere with Kanakkupillai. If you want to register for your Trademark, don't hesitate to contact us immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which common mistakes need to be corrected in trademarks?
Common mistakes include spelling errors in the Trademark, incorrect information about the trademark holder, misstatements in the product or service specifications, and incorrect trademark graphics.Could anyone request the Rectification of a trademark?
Usually, the only people who can request trademark rectification are the trademark owner or a designated representative. This is to guarantee that the only people who can alter a registered trademark are authorized parties.Can I renew a trademark registration that has expired?
Generally, active registrations are subject to trademark rectification. You might need to think about other options, like reapplying for trademark registration if your Trademark has expired.What does a trademark cancellation require?
If the Registrar finds any of these problems—a fake entry, failure to pay registration fees, registration errors, or other problems—they will cancel the Trademark.How does one go about correcting a trademark?
Any party who feels wronged may petition for the Rectification of registration, which would remove the mark from the trade register if a registered mark has been inactive for five years or more.How much time is there to correct a trademark?
Absent Use Following Three Months and Five Years: After being inactive for five years and three months, a trademark may be removed from the trademark register.What grounds exist for the cancellation of a trademark?
Any individual or group who believes that a registered trademark has unfairly harmed them may request that the Trademark be cancelled for certain reasons. These defences could centre on things like non-use, dishonesty, and misrepresentation.How should a trademark application be corrected?
An applicant may apply online using Form TM 16 and provide the required payment for clerical corrections in the TM prior to the mark's registration. After reviewing this application, the Registrar's Office will make it possible for any errors to be fixed.Is it possible to change my Trademark?
The entire Trademark cannot be altered. It will be included in a fresh application for a trademark. The Trademark's list of products and services may be restricted, but it cannot be expanded.What risk could there be if trademark errors are not corrected?
If trademark errors are not corrected, you may face legal issues, lose your trademark protection, and have trouble enforcing your rights. Updating a trademark registration is crucial.What makes Us Different

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